Robert Smith
“The New Gun 8000 is an incredible machine!”
“Our kids will get in 500 shots and are excited for more.”
“The most valuable aspect of the New Gun 8000 is that our kids really enjoy working together in groups. Team chemistry is the key component to winning championships, and that is exactly what this machine has done for us.”
“We have found that using the New Gun 8000 for drills allows our kids to get in a much greater amount of reps.”
“If your program does not own a New Gun 8000 my suggestion is to buy 2 of them.”
“Championships are won by scoring more points than the other team, your kids can score more points if they use the New Gun 8000.”
“Take the advice of someone who has been shooting for 35 years, The New Gun 8000 is the best shooting assistant you can provide for your program.”
“After a 2010 State Championship and many years with the 6000 Gun, we purchased the New Gun 8000 and we are seeing great benefits.”