Just Hoops 7
Posted on January 5, 2021 by Trent Scarbrough
Translating your skills from practice to the game is an extremely important part of being an efficient basketball player on the court. The most productive way to make that transition is to practice how you play and practice the shots you will see during a basketball game. This is why we created the Just Hoops 7.
The Just Hoops 7 is a workout program that consists of touch shooting, off the catch shooting, off the dribble shooting, the Weekly Challenge, drills on the Gun, and ball handling. The Just Hoops 7 will have 7 days of workouts for you to complete. Each workout will consist of 7 drills for you to work on. Every 14 days we come out with a new workout plan so athletes can add new skills to their arsenal and get out of their comfort zone.
One thing we will always emphasize at Just Hoops is game speed. Game speed means exactly what it sounds like, practicing how you play during a game. To get the most out of the Just Hoops 7 we will always encourage everyone to go game speed on every drill.
The Just Hoops 7 is a great workout plan for athletes who are willing to expand their game and challenge themselves. At Just Hoops we have seen that a plan and routine will lead to a more productive workout. If you have not tried the Just Hoops 7, I encourage all athletes to try this program and allow themselves to get out of their comfort zone.
Every Just Hoops 7 will have a different quote at the top of the page, this week’s Just Hoops 7 quote is “Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character”- John Wooden